Mark V. Wiley

For the baseball player see Mark Wiley (baseball).

Mark V. Wiley is a holistic health consultant and martial arts instructor who is also an author, historian and editor of various publication dealing with the martial arts.[1] He specializes in the history of Filipino martial arts.[1]


Martial arts experience

Wiley has trained in a variety of systems and styles, but his primary focuses are in Kalis Ilustrisimo, a method based on Eskrima, traditional Filipino stick-and-sword fighting arts, Ngo Cho Kun (or Five Ancestor Kungfu), a southern Chinese Shaolin martial art, and Wing Chun, a Chinese close-combat martial art. In these styles he has received senior teaching credentials. He has earned a black belt or equivalent level in: Tae Kwon Do, Shiho Karao-ryu Ju-Jutsu, Savate, American Kenpo Karate, Modern Arnis, Cinco Tero Arnis and San Shan Gong. He has also studied in the following systems or styles for less than five years, they include; Chuka Shaolin (Phoenix-Eye Fist), Silat Seni Gayong, Silat Seni Harimau, Pencak Silat, Lathi, Silambam, Doblete Rapillon Arnis, Lightning Scientific Arnis, Sinawali, Jeet Kune Do Concepts, muay Thai, boxing, wrestling and fencing.

Dr. Wiley has personally studied under more than 60 prominent teachers. He has been formally accepted as a protege' under these masters and arts:

Mark Wiley was the first person to conduct martial art anthropological field research among the indigenous MatigSalog tribe of Mindanao, Philippines. At the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, he examined, classified and identified a portion of the museum’s collection of nearly 1,000 martial artifacts from the Philippines. He has been nominated to five martial art Halls of Fame, but declined induction, feeling such things are too monetarily or politically motivated. He has appeared on the cover of four international magazines and has given several radio and magazine interviews in the United States, England and the Philippines regarding his research, writing and Integrated Modular Training Methodology.

Kali Ilustrisimo (also Kalis Ilustrisimo) is a blade-based Filipino Martial Art (Eskrima) founded by Antonio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo. The style has been in the Ilustrisimo family for over five generations and is based on traditional Filipino stick and sword methods.



He has written more than 10 books and over 200 articles in various periodicals and online venues.

Reference books

Periodicals / online

Over 500 of his articles on martial arts, alternative health, and Asian culture have appeared in the following publications and web sites:


The following are books or pamphlets: [2]

Grab your free PDF of Dr. Wiley's special health publication, "The 3 Secrets of Optimal Health" here:


  1. ^ a b Allison, Nancy (1999). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-Mind Disciplines. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. ISBN 0-8239-2546-3. 
  2. ^ "Strong Lifestyle Choices Can Prevent Hypertension from Killing You", DMW-how.

External links